The Report Printing Options screen appears when a report is selected to be printed. The report printing options allow information to be entered and criteria selections to be made in order to determine what and how the data should print on the report. The available report printing options are as follows:
Report Selection - determines the different types of the selected report that can be printed (for example, posted or unposted, monthly or annual, etc.).
Variable Fields - determine what information will be included on the report by the user specifying the variable values.
Report Parameters - determine what information will be included on the report by the user specifying the ranges for particular parameter fields (for example, processing month, funds, employees, etc.).
Sub Heading - allows the user to enter a description for a sub title.
Miscellaneous Options - allows the user to set the desired miscellaneous options for including the page header/footer, masking the Federal IDs and/or bank account numbers, and printing negative numbers in red.
Optional Fields - allow the user to select to print certain fields on the report.
Report Sorting - determines how the data will be sorted on the report and whether or not to include page breaks after the defined report sorting fields.
Depending on how a report was created, one or more of the above options may be included on the Report Printing Options screen for a report.