Wyoming Annual Report

Note:  In order to have the system generate the appropriate project number on the annual report for the applicable account numbers, set up an account group for each project number defined by the state that your organization utilizes, being sure to complete the Project Number field for the account group accordingly.  For any account number that is not tied to an account group defined with a project number, N/A will automatically generate as the project number.  When editing the annual report, only the project numbers designated within the account groups in your data, in addition to N/A, will display when searching on the Project Number field.

Steps to Add an Account Group

1.  From the General Ledger screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Wyoming Annual Report.

Generating the Annual Report:

2.  Enter the ending date of the fiscal year for which to generate the annual report in the Fiscal Year End field.  Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.

Tip:  The date and time when the report was last generated (executed) for the specified fiscal year and the date and time when the report was last edited (if applicable) after being generated display on the right side of the screen.

3.  In the Report Format Year field, the corresponding year appears for the specified fiscal year (from the Fiscal Year End field) as the report format to use when generating the report, and cannot be changed.

Note:  If the report format for the specified fiscal year is not yet available, the most recent year displays, and then when generating the report, a prompt will appear asking to generate the report with the old format.

4.  Enter the 7-digit number assigned by the State of Wyoming for your school district in the District Code field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.

5.  Select the Roll Invalid Parts (Function, Object, Source) field to have the system roll the pieces of the account number that are not valid up to the ‘0’ level for that piece if it is acceptable for the other parts of the particular account number (such as fund, function, etc.).  For example, object 214, which is not valid, rolls to object 210.  If the ‘0’ level for that piece is not acceptable for the other parts of the account number, the system does not roll the account number and will display invalid for that piece on the Edit screen.  For example, a general fund account number with an object of 124 (which is not valid) would remain as 124 and would not roll to 120 as 120 is not an acceptable object for the general fund.  A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.

Note:  No matter if this field is selected or not, all the account numbers (including the invalid ones) will be displayed on the Edit screen and can be edited.

6.  Select the Roll Invalid Facilities field to have the system place zeros in the facility field for those account numbers with an invalid facility piece in which the district-wide facility of 000 is acceptable for the other parts of the particular account number (such as fund, function, etc.).  For example, if this field is selected, the account number 01 110 1210 111 000 (facility is 110) would become 01 000 1210 111 000 (facility is 000) as the function 1210 is acceptable with a district-wide facility; in this example, if the school district number was 0501, the allocation unit or school/district number for the account number would then be 0501000 (4-digit school number followed by 3-digit facility).  A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.

Note:  No matter if this field is selected or not, all revenue account numbers will have the facility piece replaced with zeros as the revenues are only reported to the state at the district wide level for the facility (allocation unit); also, all the account numbers (including the invalid ones) will be displayed on the Edit screen and can be edited.

7.  Select the Exclude Paid To/From field to not have the system generate the information for the Paid To/From field (column) for the applicable tuition revenue and tuition expense accounts.  A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.

Note:  If this field is selected, only one line (total) will be generated for each applicable account number, rather than having it broken down by each detail line (transaction) and including the Paid To/From information.

8.  Each of the funds defined by the state that are reported on the annual report appear in the Funds List.  The fund number and description are listed for each fund.  For each of the funds, enter the actual fund number being used to track the specified fund under the Actual Fund column, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.  Up to 30 different fund numbers can be entered for a fund.  If more than one fund number is entered in the Actual Fund columns, the funds will be combined together and included under the one number on the report.  For example, Fund 10 may be used to track specific information, but on the annual report, this fund should be combined with Fund 01; therefore, under the Actual Fund columns for Fund 01, enter both 01 and 10.

Note:  Only funds defined with a Fiscal Year End that match the Fiscal Year End entered on this screen will be generated and included on the annual report.

9.  Click the Save button.

10. Click the Execute button to generate the annual report with the specified information.

Note:  If the report format for the corresponding fiscal year is not yet available, a prompt will appear asking to generate the report with the old format; click OK to continue generating the report using the most recent year's format, and then once the new format is released, the report will need to be regenerated.

Editing the Annual Report:

11. To manually make changes to the annual report, click the Edit tab.

12. Make the desired changes to the report for the lines in the Edit List.  Use the mouse, or arrow and Tab keys, to move around the screen.

Note:  If a part of the account number (such as the fund, function, object, etc.) is invalid, an error icon will appear for the field for the invalid part.  If the account piece is manually changed to a valid account piece, the error icon will automatically be updated (removed).

Tip:  When editing the Project Number field, only the project numbers designated within the account groups in your data, along with N/A, will display when searching or can be entered.

13. After all the changes have been made, click the Save button.

14. Repeat Steps 11-13 until all the desired reports have been edited.

Tip:  The annual report can also be exported into a spreadsheet file in order to open and print the report in Microsoft® Excel, if desired.  To do this, click the Edit tab, select the File menu, and then select Export Spreadsheet.  The File to Export screen will appear; select the desired path (drive and folders) for the destination location and click the Save button.  The file will be created in the specified location.  The file created with the Export Spreadsheet option is not the file to submit to the state as it is not using the correct required file format/layout.

Printing the Annual Report:

15. To print a listing of the annual report for reference only, as the actual report will be printed from within the WDE program, select the Reports menu and then Wyoming Annual Report Listing.

Creating the Annual Report File:

16. Select the Options menu and then Create Report File.

17. At the Create Report File screen, select the desired path (drive and folders) for where to create the file and click the Save button.  The system will default to the location that was last specified.

Note:  Do not change the name of the file.

18. If there are accounts on the Edit screen containing invalid account pieces, a prompt will appear asking to include the invalid accounts (those with errors); click Yes to include all the accounts (including those with errors) in the file, click No to only include the accounts containing all valid account pieces, or click Cancel to terminate creating the file(s).

19. A message will appear in the status bar of the annual report screen to show that the files were created.

Note:  The system will create two files for each fund that was generated as part of the annual report.  For example, if Fund 01 and Fund 50 were generated on the annual report, the following files are created:  Revenue01.csv, Expenditure01.csv, Revenue50.csv, and Expenditure50.csv.

20. The annual report information can be accessed anytime during the year and will remain unchanged until you edit it or regenerate it.

21. Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the annual report screen.