After selecting the desired report to print (upload), complete the required report printing options, if applicable.
to Complete the Report Printing Options
Click the Upload to K12Docs button.
Note: The Upload to K12Docs button will only be enabled if the organization has licensed the K12Docs module and the user has rights to upload documents (the Allow Report Upload to K12Docs field is selected for the user within the User Security option).
Tip: A report previewed on the screen can also be uploaded by clicking the Upload to K12Docs button on the preview screen.
At the Upload to K12Docs screen, select how to upload the report by selecting the Upload Entire Report to Selected Application/Folder/Subfolder field or the Upload Individual Pages to Selected Entities field. Select the Upload Entire Report to Selected Application/Folder/Subfolder field to upload the entire report to a particular application, folder, and subfolder; or select the Upload Individual Pages to Selected Entities field to upload only the applicable pages of the report to the appropriate entities. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: The Upload Individual Pages to Selected Entities field is only enabled if the report contains a parameter for Customer ID, Employee ID, Payee ID, or Vendor ID, and there is data available to be generated for that parameter. If the Upload Individual Pages to Selected Entities field is disabled because the report does not contain one of the specified parameters (or there is not any data for that parameter), the Upload Entire Report to Selected Application/Folder/Subfolder field will be selected by default and cannot be changed.
The Entity Selection section is enabled if the Upload Individual Pages to Selected Entities field is selected. If applicable, specify the entities for which to upload the appropriate pages of the report by selecting the desired entity type field: Customers, Employees, Payees, or Vendors. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: Only the entity types applicable for the selected report will be enabled, and only one entity type can be selected.
Complete the Application/Folder/Subfolder Information section:
Select the Convert Document to TIFF field to have the report saved as a .TIFF file when uploading; otherwise, leave the field unselected to save the report as a .PDF file. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected. If the Automatically Convert Documents to TIFF field is selected in the System File, this field will be selected by default and cannot be changed.
Note: The Subfolder field will be disabled if the selected application does not contain subfolders.
If the Upload Entire Report to Selected Application/Folder/Subfolder field is selected, complete the Application and Subfolder fields by clicking the down-arrow button to select the desired application and subfolder for where to file the report; then complete the Folder field by clicking the Search button to select the appropriate folder in which to file the report.
If the Upload Individual Pages to Selected Entities field is selected, the Application field will be completed by default with the appropriate application (as based on the entity designated in the Entity Selection section) and cannot be changed; then complete the Subfolder field by clicking the down-arrow button to select the desired subfolder for where to file the report.
Complete the attributes for the document as desired:
Enter a description (up to 100 characters) for the document in the Document Description field.
Enter the date of the document in the Document Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. The current date will appear by default but can be changed.
If applicable, enter the appropriate information for any additional attribute fields.
Note: The values for the other document attributes that are known by the system appear by default and cannot be changed.
If the Upload Individual Pages to Selected Entities field is selected, the Entity Selection List appears showing all the active entities for the designated entity types. In the Entity Selection List, select the entities for which to upload the applicable pages of the report by clicking the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired record. A checkmark will appear in the box if the entity is selected. To select all the entities listed on the screen, click the Select All button located above the Entity Selection List. If desired, change the filters to modify the entities displayed here.
Note: If the entity ID parameter was completed for the report (on the Report Printing Options screen), the applicable entities selected for the entity ID parameter will be selected in the Entity Selection List by default, but can be changed as needed. If report parameters other than the entity ID parameter were completed for the report, only the entities based on the selections for those other parameters appear in the Entity Selection List.
Click the Upload to K12Docs button.
A message will appear stating the process could take a while to complete; click OK.
After the report is uploaded to K12Docs, a message will appear in the status bar on the Report Printing Options screen.
Note: If the report was previewed to the screen prior to selecting to upload to K12Docs and the Auto Close Report Printing Options field in the User Options option is selected, the Report Printing Options screen does not appear, and thus no message will display once the process is complete.
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the Report Printing Options screen, if applicable.