From the Payroll screen, select the Check Cycle menu and then Direct Deposit Stubs.
The Check Cycle Batch Search screen will appear.
Select the desired batch for which to print direct deposit stubs by double-clicking on the batch description.
At the Direct Deposit Stubs screen, the description for the selected payroll batch appears in the Batch Description field. If needed, to change the batch at this time, click the down-arrow button or the Find button to select the correct one.
If the specified payroll batch is a Pay Off Contracts type with separate date sequences, enter the number of the date sequence for which to print in the Date Sequence field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. The default for the first date sequence (1) will appear, but can be changed.
Enter the ID of the checking account for which to print direct deposit stubs in the Checking Account ID field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Enter the stub number of the first direct deposit stub to print in the Starting Stub Number field, or click the Search button to view the last stub number used for the checking account and specify to use the next available number. The stub number can be up to 9 digits long.
Note: If using the Search button to view the last stub number, the next available stub number can be specified as follows: 1) double-click the Last Stub Number column to use the next highest (greatest) stub number on file in the system for the specified checking account; 2) double-click the Last Stub Number in Batch column to use the next stub number from the last one used while printing direct deposit stubs within the batch for the specified checking account; or 3) double-click the Last Stub Number Printed column to use the next stub number from the last one printed in the system in all but the current batch for the specified checking account.
The system will automatically display the last stub number to print in the Ending Stub Number field, based on the total number of direct deposit stubs to be printed for the specified checking account. The stub number entered in this field cannot be changed.
Leave the Starting and Ending Check Sort fields blank to print all the direct deposit stubs for all employees and payees for the specified checking account.
Note: These fields are typically only utilized if reprinting direct deposit stubs within a batch.
Steps to Reprint Payroll Direct Deposit Stubs
If desired, enter a message to print on the bottom of the employee direct deposit stubs in the Message field. The message can be up to 255 characters long. The message entered for the checks will appear as the default, but can be changed.
Print the specified direct deposit stubs as desired:
To preview the direct deposit stubs on the screen, click the To Screen button.
Note: If emailing direct deposit stubs, the direct deposit stubs for those employees who will not be emailed appear in one preview screen and the direct deposit stubs for those employees who will be emailed appear in another. Furthermore, if you have payees who are also setup for direct deposit, the payee direct deposit stubs appear in separate preview screens as well for those that will not be emailed and those that will be emailed, if applicable. If desired, only print a paper copy for the sets of direct deposit stubs for the employees and payees (if applicable) who will not have the stubs emailed, and then just close the preview screens for the sets of direct deposit stubs for those who will be emailed without printing to the printer if a paper copy is not wanted.
Also, when printing both employee and payee direct deposit stubs during a check cycle, the payee direct deposit stubs will appear on the screen last. If printing on pre-printed forms, minimize the payee direct deposit stubs to print the employee direct deposit stubs first in order to match the stub numbers with the actual direct deposit stubs. To print the direct deposit stubs, click the Print button on the preview screen.
To print the direct deposit stubs directly to the printer, click the To Printer button.
If using a check-writing software, click the Check Writing Software button (displays in place of the To Screen button and To Printer button) to print the direct deposit stubs to a file to import into your check-writing software; when prompted, specify the correct path (drive and folders), edit the file name if needed, and then click the Save button.
Note: If applicable, the system will prompt multiple times to create separate files for the employee direct deposit stubs that will not be emailed (named "DIRDEP"), the employee direct deposit stubs that will be emailed (named "DIRDEPEMAIL"), the payee direct deposit stubs that will not be emailed (named "PAYEESTUB"), and the payee direct deposits stubs that will be emailed (named "PAYEESTUBEMAIL"). If desired, import only the files named "DIRDEP" and "PAYEESTUB" into your check-writing software in order to print the paper stubs for those employees and payees who will not be emailed (do not import the files named "DIRDEPEMAIL" and "PAYEESTUBEMAIL" if a paper copy is not wanted for those employees and payees who will be emailed).
Note: When printing the direct deposit stubs, the default direct deposit format for the applicable checking account as defined in the Check Setup - Employees option and Check Setup - Payees option will be used.
Repeat Steps 5-11 until all the direct deposit stubs have been printed for all the checking accounts included in the batch.