From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Missouri GASB 68 Report.
At the Missouri GASB 68 Report screen, click the Report Options tab and complete the information.
Enter the option for how to generate the report (Check Date or Processing Month) in the Generate By field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. To generate the report for posted payroll batches for a specified period based on check dates, select Check Date. To generate the report for posted payroll batches for a specified period based on processing months, select Processing Month.
If Check Date is specified as the Generate By option, the Starting Date and Ending Date fields will be enabled. Enter the first check date to generate in the Starting Date field and the last check date to generate in the Ending Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired dates.
If Processing Month is specified as the Generate By option, the Starting Processing Month and Ending Processing Month fields will be enabled. Enter the first processing month to generate in the Starting Processing Month field and the last processing month to generate in the Ending Processing Month field. Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired months.
In the Retirement Information for Audit section, the Employer ID field and the Wage Type field display the information from the corresponding fields in the Missouri Retirement Report option. The fields are disabled and cannot be changed.
Click the Save button.
Click the Pay Groups tab to select the pay groups to include when generating the information.
Note: The pay groups defined (within the Pay Group File) to be included in the Missouri GASB 68 Report option are selected by default, but can be changed if needed; if changes are made here, the changes will also be reflected in the Pay Group File.
To select a pay group, click the box under the Selected column to the left of the pay group ID. A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay group is selected. To select all of the pay groups, click the Select All button located above the Pay Groups List.
Click the Save button.
Click the Deductions tab to select the appropriate categories for the deductions to include when generating the information.
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, or the Save button is clicked (if applicable), the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
For each deduction to include when generating the information, click the box under the appropriate category to the left of the Deduction ID in the Deductions List. A checkmark will appear in the box if the deduction is selected under a category. Select the Gross Earnings column if an Add type deduction or a Payment In Kind type deduction is taxable. Select the Flex Deduction column if a deduction is a flex 125 deduction (pre-tax to FIT, SIT (if applicable), Social Security, and Medicare). Select the TSA column if a deduction is a tax-sheltered annuity (pre-tax to FIT and SIT (if applicable)). Select the Employer Paid Insurance column if a deduction is for health insurance and retirement is calculated on the amount paid by the board (employer). Select the Retirement column if a deduction is a retirement deduction for your state's retirement system and is pre-tax for FIT and SIT (if applicable). For state retirement system deductions only (those with a checkmark in the Retirement column), select either the PSRS column or the PEERS column to indicate the type of retirement for the deduction.
Note: The Gross Earnings column is only enabled for Add and Payment In Kind type deductions. The Flex Deduction, TSA, and Retirement columns are enabled for all deduction types except Add and Payment In Kind type deductions. The Employer Paid Insurance column is enabled for all deduction types. The PSRS and PEERS columns are enabled for only deductions with a checkmark in the Retirement column. Deductions defined as a Percent of Net type will not appear in the Deductions List.
Click the Save button.
Click the Pay Codes tab to select the appropriate categories for the pay codes to include when generating the information.
For each pay code to include when generating the information, click the box under the Gross Earnings column to the left of the Pay Code ID in the Pay Codes List. A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay code is selected. Select the Gross Earnings column if an Add type, Contract type, or Payment In Kind type pay code is taxable. For example, if an Add type or Contract type pay code is used to pay taxable wages, select the pay code; however, if an Add type pay code is used for non-taxable reimbursements, such as a pay code defined for mileage reimbursements, do not select the pay code. Select the Gross Earnings column if a Deduction type pay code is pre-tax or non-taxable and must be subtracted from the Gross Earnings formula (a Deduction type pay code is considered pre-tax or non-taxable if the taxes are selected in the cross references in the Pay Code File). To select the Gross Earnings column (field) for all of the pay codes, click the Select All button located above the Pay Codes List.
Tip: If needed, review the tax cross references for a pay code in the Pay Code File to help in determining if the pay code should be selected; if the taxes are selected in the Cross References List for a pay code, then select the pay code under the Gross Earnings column on this screen.
If applicable, select the Leave Pay column (field) for a pay code if it is defined as an applicable leave pay code (one that should be reported as Leave Pay on the View Data tab). A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Click the Save button.
Click the View GASB 68 Data tab to generate and view the information that can be utilized when completing the reconciliation for GASB 68 with the Missouri Retirement Office.
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
The generated information that can be utilized when completing the reconciliation for GASB 68 with the Missouri Retirement Office appears in the View Data List.
To print the information, complete a print screen or print grid, or to export the information to a file, complete the Export Grid option (accessed from the File menu).
Click the View GASB 68 Audit tab to generate and view the information that can be submitted to the state auditor for comparing the GASB 68 and retirement reports.
The generated information that can be submitted to the state auditor for comparing the GASB 68 and retirement reports appears in the View GASB 68 Audit List.
Tip: An employee will show with a separate line for each different pay code and check date. Since the amounts are broken down by pay code for each employee (as required by the state auditor), there might be a small difference (in pennies) between the Retirement Salary on the View GASB 68 Audit tab and the Salary Gross on the View GASB 68 Data tab.
Note: The Employer Paid Insurance column will have an amount in only the first line (first pay code) for a check date for an employee. If an Add type or Payment In Kind type deduction has the Gross Earnings column selected and the Employer Paid Insurance column is not selected, then that Deduction ID will display in the Pay Code column.
To print the information, complete a print screen or print grid.
To create the file to submit to the state auditor, select the Options menu and then Export GASB 68 Audit Report; when prompted, select the desired path (drive and folders) for the destination location and click the Save button. The system will default to the location that was last specified. A message will appear in the status bar after the file was created.
Note: Do not change the name of the file that will be created.
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.