1. From the General Ledger screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Kansas Budget Report.
Generating the Report:
2. Enter the ending date of the fiscal year for which to generate the report in the Fiscal Year End field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. The default date will appear, but can be changed.
Tip: The date and time when the report was last generated (executed) for the specified fiscal year displays to the right of the Fiscal Year End field.
3. In the Report Format Year field, the corresponding year appears for the specified fiscal year (from the Fiscal Year End field) as the report format to use when generating the report, and cannot be changed.
Note: If the report format for the specified fiscal year is not yet available, the most recent year displays, and then when generating the report, a prompt will appear asking to generate the report with the old format.
4. Each of the funds defined by the state that are to be reported appear in the Funds List. The fund description and the state recommended fund numbers (displayed in parentheses) are listed for each fund. For each of the funds, enter the actual fund number being used to track the specified fund under the Actual Fund column, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. Up to 30 different fund numbers can be entered for a fund. If more than one fund number is entered in the Actual Fund columns, the funds will be combined together and included under the one number on the report. For example, Fund 01 may be used to track specific information, but on the report, this fund should be combined with Fund 10; therefore, under the Actual Fund columns for Fund 10, enter both 10 and 01.
5. Click the Save button.
6. Click the Execute button to generate the report.
Note: If the report format for the corresponding fiscal year is not yet available, a prompt will appear asking to generate the report with the old format; click OK to continue generating the report using the most recent year's format, and then once the new format is released, the report will need to be regenerated.
Tip: The totals for expenditure account numbers listed on the budget report that have an object number ending in 90 (X90 objects, such as object 290, 490, 590, etc.) will include all expenditure account numbers not specifically listed in that grouping (on the first digit of the object) for the section (function). For example, if a particular report section lists objects 210, 220, and 290 for function 1000, the totals for those objects for function 1000 will be as follows: a) the 210 total includes all 21X objects for function 1000; b) the 220 total includes all 22X objects; and c) the 290 total includes all 23X through 29X objects.
7. At the Create Report File screen, select the desired path (drive and folders) for where to create the file and click the Save button. The system will default to the location that was last specified.
Note: Do not change the name of the file.
8. After the report is generated, the screen listing any invalid account numbers will appear. Invalid account numbers are those that are not included within the reporting range on the report and so the amounts for those accounts will not be reported. To print a listing of the invalid account numbers, complete a print screen or a print grid. From this list, decide how to include the amounts for the invalid account numbers on the report. The invalid account numbers can be reported by completing one of the following: 1) edit the state's report and manually include the amounts (file generated from within the School Accounting System cannot be edited); 2) complete manual journal entries to transfer the amounts to different account numbers that are within the reporting range and then regenerate the report; or 3) crosswalk invalid account numbers to ones that are within the reporting range and then regenerate the report.
Viewing and Printing the Report:
9. To view the report and/or print the report, open the file (created at the location specified in Step 7 above) within Microsoft® Excel. The data on the report cannot be edited, but the information can be copied and pasted into the state's file.
Note: Not all the information on all the tabs of the report (file) will be completed; therefore, only utilize the data generated on the report to complete the state's file (do not submit the file created within the School Accounting System). Also, some cells may show as a reference error (#REF!) or as a not available error (#N/A) due to formulas defined by the state that are not able to be calculated within the Kansas Budget Report option; since the Kansas Budget Report option is only a tool to aid in completing the state's budget file (does not create the file for submission or will not be used to print the final paper copy to submit), ignore any errors because the formulas will be calculated correctly once you input the information into the state's budget file.
10. The report information can be accessed and generated anytime during the year.
11. Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.