From the Accounts Receivable screen, select the Options menu and then Customer Inquiry.
Note: The Customer Inquiry option can also be accessed from the Options menu within the Customers, Invoices, Payments, and Prepaid Invoices options.
At the Customer Inquiry screen, enter the ID for the customer for which to complete the inquiry in the Customer ID field. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button or the Find button to select the correct one.
Note: To search for a specific invoice or payment instead, key the number of the invoice or payment in the appropriate field, or click the Search button for the applicable field to select the desired one.
To view the transactions and balances for only one particular department for the customer, enter the ID of the department to view in the Department ID field. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. Leave the field blank to view the transactions and balances for all departments for the customer.
Enter the month for which to compute and display the balances in the Processing Month field. Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. By default, the most recent (greatest) month used for a batch in Accounts Receivable will appear, but can be changed.
All the transactions for the particular customer appear in the Transaction Detail List and the balances appear in the upper right corner of the screen. The balances that display include the previous balance; the totals of invoices and payments entered and posted in the month; the totals of invoices and payments entered but not yet posted; the totals of invoices and payments entered and posted in future months; the outstanding balance due from the customer including unposted and future invoices and payments; the aged outstanding balances for Current, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91-120 Days, and 121+ Days; and the fiscal year totals of invoices and payments.
Note: The aging method (Month of Due Date or Processing Month) by which the outstanding balances (amounts due) are determined is set in the Accounts Receivable System File. When calculating the balances, the system subtracts the payments from the oldest balances first within each department.
Tip: The order of the columns in the Transaction Detail List can be changed by clicking on the column heading and dragging the column to the desired location. To change the order of the columns, or hide columns, so that the settings are retained for the next time the Customer Inquiry option is accessed, use the Set Screen Preferences option. If the screen preferences are changed, the default screen preferences can be restored, if desired.
to Set Screen Preferences
to Restore Default Screen Preferences
To view the detail information for a particular invoice or payment, double-click the desired line for the invoice or payment. When finished, click the Cancel button to display only the information on the left side of the screen.
Note: If desired, if viewing the detail information for a line item on a payment, click the To Screen button located to the right of the Payment Number field to preview or reprint a copy of the receipt using the report entered in the Default Payment Receipt Report field in the Accounts Receivable System File. If viewing the detail information for a line item on a payment, click the Go To button located to the right of the Invoice Number field or Advance Payment Number field to view the detail information for the invoice or advance payment.
To print the information for the customer inquiry, complete a print screen, print grid, or print a Customer Balances or Department Balances report from the Reports menu, or if desired, export the information in the Transaction Detail List to a file using the Export Grid option.