The Customer Inquiry option in Accounts Receivable shows all the transactions for a particular customer. All the invoices and payments that have been entered (both posted and unposted) for the customer are included in the inquiry. The detail information, such as the date, description, and account number(s), for each transaction are shown.
The customer balances, which are tracked automatically by the system, also display within the Customer Inquiry option, and can be viewed by department, if desired. The balances shown in the Customer Inquiry option include the previous balance; the totals of invoices and payments entered and posted in the month; the totals of invoices and payments entered but not yet posted; the totals of invoices and payments entered and posted in future months; the outstanding balance due from the customer including unposted and future invoices and payments; the aged outstanding balances for Current, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91-120 Days, and 121+ Days; and the fiscal year totals of invoices and payments.
Note: The aging method (Month of Due Date or Processing Month) by which the outstanding balances (amounts due) are determined is set in the Accounts Receivable System File. When calculating the balances, the system subtracts the payments from the oldest balances first within each department.
Steps to Complete a Customer
Note: In order to view the tutorial, you must have an active Internet connection, along with a sound card and speakers installed on your computer.