Renumber Checks

The Renumber Checks option, which is in General Ledger but also can be accessed from Accounts Payable and Payroll, is used to renumber the checks, direct deposit stubs, or automatic payment stubs that were posted with an incorrect checking account number or check (or stub) number.  When accessing the Renumber Checks option from Accounts Payable or Payroll, only the items written in the particular module from which the option was accessed can be renumbered.

The Renumber Checks option is useful in order to correct the inaccurate information prior to completing the check reconciliation so that the check numbers on the system match the check numbers on the bank statement.

Steps to Renumber Checks

Renumber Checks Tutorial

Note:  In order to view the tutorial, you must have an active Internet connection, along with a sound card and speakers installed on your computer.