Inserting a Shape on a Report

Note:  The instructions below are for inserting a shape on a custom report in the Report Writer module.

Note:  If the report to edit is not yet open, first complete the following:  from the Report Writer screen, click on the name of the view group in the Report Groups List that contains the report for which to add a shape and click on the name of the report to edit in the Reports List (or click the Find button instead to search for the desired report); then click the Edit Record button located at the top of the screen.

Tip:  After an object is selected, handles (boxes) will appear around the outside edges of the selected object.  To select multiple objects for which to change the shape type at the same time, press and hold the Shift or Ctrl key and then select (click) all the desired items, or else click, drag, and drop a box (using your mouse) over all the desired objects.  To select all objects within a section, click the title bar for the section and then press the Ctrl+A keys.

Tip:  The following buttons (and corresponding options under the Format menu) are available to format a shape:  Back Color button and Border button.  Additional properties can be set for a shape using the following fields within the Properties List:  Line Color, Line Style (Transparent, Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, or DashDotDot), Line Weight, Rounding Radius (only applicable for shapes with RoundRect set as the Style), and Optional (True or False).

Steps to Resize Objects

Steps to Format Objects

Steps to Move Objects

Steps to Align Objects