Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Setup Procedures

  1. Add the following two custom fields to the Employee File:  WISE Staff ID (text custom field) and Include on WY WDE Report (referenced custom field, with Y for Yes and N for No as the referenced values).  If this step has already been completed, skip to Step 2.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Add a Custom Field

  1. Complete the custom fields defined in Step 1 for each applicable employee to be included in the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report.

Tip:  To bring up the first employee, click the First Record button, and then utilize the Next Record button to scroll through all the employees.

Note:  If this is the first year using the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option, use the preloaded Employment file obtained from the state to import the WISE staff ID number for employees into the WISE Staff ID custom field.  If this is the second and subsequent years using the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option, the WISE Staff ID field will only need to be manually completed for new employees.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Import Custom Fields

Tip:  SUI recommends to only complete this field for those employees who should not be included in the report (by entering N here).  Then when completing the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option, Y can be entered as the Default Value for Include on WY WDE Report for use with the other employees.

Note:  If desired, use the Adjust Custom Fields option to complete the custom field.

Steps to Adjust Custom Fields

  1. Verify that the following fields of information are also completed for the applicable employees on the other various screens of the Employee File:

Name & Address screen:

Employment screen:

Wages screen:

If needed, complete the fields at this time for the applicable employees; then click the Save button.

  1. Repeat Steps 2-3 above for each applicable employee to be included in the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report.

  1. Continue with Step 3 on the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Completion Checklist.

Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Completion Checklist