Create Employee Funding Sources for New Year

The Create Employee Funding Sources for New Year option is accessed from within the Idaho Staff Data Reporting option in Payroll, which is available for Idaho school districts only.  The Create Employee Funding Sources for New Year option is used to copy the employee funding sources from one fiscal year end to the next on the Employee Funding Source Maintenance screen (tab) within the Idaho Staff Data Reporting option, in order to then generate the funding source information for employees for the next fiscal year end.

Note:  The Create Employee Funding Sources for New Year option is only completed during the second or subsequent years using the Idaho Staff Data Reporting option if the payroll wages have not yet been created for the next fiscal year end; otherwise, if the payroll wages have already been created for the next fiscal year end, the employee funding sources were automatically copied as part of that process.

Steps to Create Employee Funding Sources for New Year