Note: Before emailing direct deposit stubs to the applicable vendors, the direct deposit stubs must first be printed. Also, the Accounts Payable Email Direct Deposit Stubs Setup Checklist must be completed in order to utilize the Email Direct Deposit Stubs option.
From the Accounts Payable screen, select the Check Cycle menu and then Email Direct Deposit Stubs.
The Checks Batch Search screen will appear.
Select the batch that contains the direct deposit stubs to be emailed by double-clicking on the desired batch description.
At the Email Direct Deposit Stubs screen, the description for the selected batch appears in the Batch Description field. To change the batch at this time, click the down-arrow button or the Find button.
Enter the ID of the checking account for which to email direct deposit stubs in the Checking Account ID field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
If desired, click the down-arrow button for the Starting Vendor field to select the first vendor (and check sequence, if applicable) for whom to email a direct deposit stub. Leave this field blank to email starting with the first vendor (and check sequence) in the batch for the specified checking account.
If desired, click the down-arrow button for the Ending Vendor field to select the last vendor (and check sequence, if applicable) for whom to email a direct deposit stub. Leave this field blank to email from the vendor specified in the Starting Vendor field to the last vendor (and check sequence) in the batch for the specified checking account.
Click the Email button.
Note: When emailing the direct deposit stubs, the default direct deposit format for each applicable checking account as defined in the Check Setup - Vendors option will be used.
The Email Options screen will appear; complete the email options as needed.
to Complete the Email Options
Click the Execute button to email the direct deposit stubs.
Note: If the first email is unable to be sent successfully, a prompt will appear asking to continue trying to send the remaining emails; click Yes to continue sending the remaining emails, or click No to quit sending the emails at this time (and, if desired, edit the Recipients List and then resend). If an email is rejected because an incorrect email address was entered for a recipient, the rejection notice will be sent to the address entered in the Reply To Email Address field if using the hosted mail server, or the address entered in the From Email Address field if using your organization's mail server.
A message will appear in the status bar on the Email Options screen once the direct deposit stubs have been emailed.
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the Email Options screen.
Note: If there were one or more emails (direct deposit stubs) not successfully sent, the Cancel button and Retry button appear at the bottom of the Email Options screen. If desired, edit the Recipients List and then click the Retry button to try resending the emails (direct deposit stubs) to those recipients who did not have one sent initially; otherwise, click the Cancel button to close the Email Options screen.
Repeat these steps until all the direct deposit stubs have been emailed for all the checking accounts included in the batch.