Printing a Report

Note:  Only the reports that are designated for the specific user within the User Security option in the School Accounting System are listed under the Reports menu and accessible to be printed in Web Link.

  1. Select the Reports menu.

Note:  A user must be defined (within the School Accounting System) to have rights to reports in Web Link, or else the Reports menu will not be available in Web Link.

  1. At the Report Search screen, select the report to print by:  1) double-clicking on the desired report, 2) clicking on the report once and then clicking the Select button, or 3) clicking on the report once and then pressing the Enter key.  If all the available reports do not appear on the Report Search screen, advance to the page on which the desired report is included by clicking the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page button, or clicking the appropriate page number, or else click the View All button to view all the reports.  If desired, change the filters to modify the reports displayed on the search screen.

Tip:  To sort the reports in ascending or descending order by a particular field (column), click on the column heading (label) for the desired field; an up or down arrow will appear to the right of the field indicating the order of the reports (ascending or descending).

  1. Complete the required report printing options, if applicable.

Tip:  If desired, while searching, click the Selected Rows First button to view all the selected records on the first page(s) of the search screen.

Note:  If the Search button is used to select specific records, the number of records selected will appear to the right of the button on the report printing options screen (or if the description of the selected records will fit in the space allotted for the display, the description of those selected records will display instead).

Tip:  If items have been selected for the parameters, click the Clear Parameters button, if desired, to clear the selections so that all records are selected for each item.

Tip:  Click the Copy Choices button to automatically copy the selections made to the report, such as the specified Report Selection and selected parameters, into the Sub Heading field.

Tip:  This field is typically only unselected if the report will be exported to a format in which the page header and page footer sections should be omitted, such as when exporting to a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet file.

Note:  This field will be disabled if the user does not have the Print Federal ID field selected within the User Security option.

  1. Click the appropriate button for the desired output:

Note:  A PDF viewer, such as Adobe® Reader, must be installed on your computer prior to running the report; if you do not have a PDF viewer, download Adobe® Reader free of charge by clicking the Get Adobe® Reader button or going to and following the instructions.

Tip:  Once the report displays on the screen, complete the print function as normal from within your Internet browser (for example, select the File menu and then Print) to print a hard copy of the report, or to save the report as a file, select the File menu and then Save As (when prompted, specify the name and location of the report file, and then click the Save button).