Enter Receivings

Note:  In order for the Receiving option to be available in Web Link, a user must be defined with rights to enter receiving (within the User Security option in the School Accounting System).

  1. Select the Data Entry menu and then Receiving.

  2. The Receiving screen will appear.

  3. Enter the number of the purchase order for which the merchandise was received in the PO Number field.  If the purchase order number is not known, click the Find button to select the correct one.

Note:  If one or more ship to addresses are assigned to the user in the User Security option within the School Accounting System, only the purchase orders tied to the designated ship to addresses can be entered in this field for receiving.

  1. Enter the date to use as the default for the date the merchandise was received in the Received Date field.  Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Calendar Search button to select the desired date.  The current computer date of the web server will appear as the default, but can be changed.

  2. The purchase order detail lines with the Print on Purchase Order field selected appear in the Purchase Order Detail Information List.  The detailed information as entered on the purchase order for each line displays, along with the outstanding balance, whether a receiving has previously been entered, the outstanding quantity, and whether an invoice has been entered for the detail line.

Note:  The detail lines that appear in the list include those with both the Print on Purchase Order and Post to General Ledger fields selected, and those with only the Print on Purchase Order field selected.  The detail lines with only the Post to General Ledger field selected do not appear.  If desired, click the Go To button located to the right of the URL field to launch the Internet browser and display the specified website, if applicable.

Tip:  To view only the purchase order detail lines with an outstanding balance, plus all the detail lines designated with only the Print on Purchase Order field selected (those with or without an outstanding balance), select the Display Outstanding Only option located above the Purchase Order Detail Information List.  To view all the purchase order detail lines (with or without an outstanding balance), select the Display All option located above the Purchase Order Detail Information List.  By default, the Display Outstanding Only option is selected.

  1. To receive items for one detail line, click on the desired line in the Purchase Order Detail Information List and then complete the following:

Tip:  Additional information for the asset, such as the asset tag number, serial number, model number, and assigned location, can be entered after saving this receiving line (for use when adding the asset to the Fixed Asset Inventory module) by clicking the Asset Details button located to the right of the Asset field in the Receiving Information List.  See Step 8 below.

Note:  If the amount of the line item is equal to or greater than the amount entered in the Minimum Inventory Amount field in the Accounts Payable System File (if applicable), a warning message will appear if the Asset field is not selected for the line item; click OK for the warning message and then complete Step 8 for the line if needed (if Step 8 is completed, the Asset field will automatically be selected).

Tip:  The system will automatically display the ID of the user who entered the receiving line in the Received By User field (column) and it cannot be changed.  The Invoice Number field (column) will be updated by the system once the receiving detail line on the purchase order has been invoiced (the invoice saved) and it cannot be changed.

  1. To receive all the detail lines at once if the purchase order is received in full, click the Process All Detail Lines as Final button.  By clicking the Process All Detail Lines as Final button, the system will automatically add lines in the Receiving Information List with a Receiving Status of Final for each detail line displayed in the Purchase Order Detail Information List that does not already have a line with a Receiving Status of Final or Cancelled and has an outstanding balance (or has only the Print on Purchase Order field selected (with or without an outstanding balance)).

  2. To enter additional asset information for a line item to be added as an asset within the Fixed Asset Inventory module, click the Asset Details button located to the right of the Asset field in the Receiving Information List and complete the following:

Note:  If the Asset field had not previously been selected, a checkmark will appear in the field after completing the steps below.  The Asset Details button will not appear for receiving lines entered by different users and those that have been invoiced.

Note:  To optimize sorting on printed reports, be sure to enter all descriptions consistently.  For example, enter a 6-foot folding table as "Table, folding, 6 foot", a 10-foot cafeteria table with benches as "Table, cafeteria with benches, 10 foot", and a 15-foot boat-shaped conference table as "Table, conference, boat-shaped, 15 foot", so that all the tables are grouped together on reports.

Note:  Multiple assets can be entered for one detail line, if needed, by repeating these steps until all the assets have been added.  If applicable, click the Edit link located to the left of an asset record to edit the information, or click the Delete link located to the right of an asset record to delete the row (and when prompted, click Yes to the delete the item).

  1. Click the Save button to save the receiving information for the purchase order, or click the Save and Clear button to save the receiving and add another one.

  2. A message will appear stating the receiving was saved; click OK.

  3. If designated to do so in the Email Manager option (in the School Accounting System), a receiving notification email will be sent at this time to the designated user.

Note:  If a notification email did not go through, an error will be tracked in the Activity Log option (on the System Log tab) in the School Accounting System and an alert will appear on the main School Accounting System screen.  If an email is rejected, the rejection notice will be sent to the appropriate address for the designated email address in the Email Manager option.

Tip:  A notification email is not sent if the only changes made were to update the Receiving Status to Cancelled for one or more purchase order lines.

  1. To enter another receiving, click the Add New button (if needed), click OK when prompted to continue, and then repeat Steps 3-11.

  2. Once all the receivings have been entered, print a listing if desired (if the user has rights to do so).

Tip:  Print the Receiving Report-Detail or Receiving Report-Summary from the Reports menu to view a listing of the receivings; if desired, to only print the receivings just entered, complete the Received by User ID and Received Date parameters.  Print the Asset Details Report for Receiving from the Reports menu to print the detail information for the line items tracked as assets for posting to the Fixed Asset Inventory module.

Steps to Print a Report