Entering Purchase Orders

Note:  In order for the Purchase Orders option to be available in Web Link, a user must be defined with rights to enter purchase orders (within the User Security option in the School Accounting System).

  1. Select the Data Entry menu and then Purchase Orders.

  2. If you previously created a purchase order batch and it has not been posted (from within the School Accounting System), the Purchase Order Batch Search screen will appear listing those batches (batches created by other users will not be visible).  To continue adding purchase orders to an existing batch, select the desired batch by double-clicking on the batch description or clicking on the batch once and then clicking the Select button.  Otherwise, to enter a new batch, click the Add New button and then complete the batch options.  If a batch does not exist, the batch options screen will appear immediately in order to create a new batch.

Steps to Complete Batch Options for Purchase Orders

  1. The Purchase Orders screen will appear for the selected purchase order batch.

  2. Complete the Header Information of the purchase order.

Note:  If having the system assign the purchase order number, the system will assign the number as follows:  1) first, if the Batch Beginning PO Number field is completed in the batch options, the first purchase order in the batch will be that specified number and then the other purchase orders will increment from there; 2) if the purchase order is tied to a ship to address with a defined purchase order prefix, the number will be incremented from the most recently used purchase order number with that prefix; 3) otherwise, if a purchase order prefix was defined in the Accounts Payable System File, the number will be incremented from the most recently used purchase order number with that prefix; or 4) else the number will be incremented from the most recently used purchase order number.  Keep in mind, if the Purchase Order Number Same as Requisition Number field is selected in the Accounts Payable System File, a purchase order number cannot be used if it matches a requisition number that already exists.

Tip:  If the user entering the purchase order is tied to one or more vendor groups (in the User Security option in the School Accounting System), the vendor entered here must be included in one of the designated vendor groups.

Note:  If a user is defined to have rights to edit vendors, the Add New button and Edit button will appear on the search screen in order to add a new vendor to the Vendor File or edit an existing vendor (for example, edit a vendor's address).

Steps to Add a Vendor

Steps to Change a Vendor

Note:  If the Automatically Calculate Totals on Data Entry field in the Accounts Payable System File is selected, the system will automatically add up all the detail line items and display the total in this field.

Note:  To use the description from the Vendor File for the specified vendor, enter a V in this field.

Tip:  If the user entering the purchase order is tied to one or more ship to addresses (in the User Security option in the School Accounting System), one of the designated ship to addresses must be entered here; if only one ship to address is assigned to the user, the designated ship to address will appear by default and cannot be changed.

  1. Complete the Detail Information of the purchase order.

Note:  If one or more default chart of account numbers had been entered for the specified vendor (in the Vendor File), the designated account number(s) will appear in the detail section, with each account number as its own detail line item.  If applicable, complete the information for the line items, or click the Delete link located to the right of a line item to delete the line.

Tip:  By default, ten detail lines will appear in the Detail Information section (unless the vendor is defined with more than ten default chart of account numbers); if needed, click the Add Rows button located at the top of the Detail Information List to add ten more lines.  Any blank lines will automatically be removed (deleted) when the purchase order is saved.

Tip:  Do not select this field if the line item is only entered to expense the cost of an item to one of several account numbers and does not need to be printed on the purchase order.

Tip:  Do not select this field if the line item is only entered to order an item that will be split between several account numbers.

Tip:  If the user entering the purchase order is assigned to one or more account groups with the AP & WL Data Entry usage (in the User Security option in the School Accounting System), the account number entered here must be included in one of the designated account groups.  Once the account number is specified, the name of the account will display on the bottom of the screen.  If the Display Budget Balances field is selected in the Web Link Setup Options in the School Accounting System, the budget balance (including the total of unposted invoices and unposted purchase orders (including the current purchase order) for the particular account number, if applicable) will also appear at the bottom of the screen.  If the Display Fund Balance field is selected in the Web Link Setup Options in the School Accounting System and the account number is in a fund defined as an activity fund, the appropriate fund balance will also display.

Note:  To use the description from the Vendor File for the specified vendor, enter a V in this field.  To use the purchase order description entered in the Header Information, enter an H in this field.  To use the description for the account number from the Chart of Accounts File, enter a C in this field.

Note:  If the line item goes over budget for the account number and the Warn if Purchase Order Over Budget field is selected in the Accounts Payable System File, a message will appear stating the entry has a negative budget balance; click OK.

1)  To split an amount proportionately among multiple line items already entered, such as for shipping, enter the percent sign (%) in the Split % (Percent) field, leave the Account Number field blank, complete the remaining fields with the appropriate description and amount, and then save the line item.  Once the purchase order is saved, the system will expense the amount (shipping) proportionately to the expense accounts specified for the line items entered without the percent sign (%) and list a second line for each expense account with the proportionate amount.

2)  To expense a certain percentage of the total amount of the purchase order (as entered in the PO Amount field) to the line item, enter the percentage of the total amount to use for the line item in the Split % (Percent) field and the system will then calculate the amount for the line item and display it in the Amount field after saving the line item.  For example, if 15% of the purchase order total should be expensed to this line item, enter 15 in this field.

3)  To calculate a percentage of a particular amount to expense to the line item, enter the percentage followed by the percent sign (%) and then the particular amount; for example, enter 20%299.75 to have the system calculate 20% of $299.75 for the line item and display it in the Amount field after saving the line item.

Note:  The information entered into the Split % (Percent) field is not saved with the line item after saving the purchase order.

Note:  If your computer is connected to the Internet, click the Go To button located to the right of this field to launch the Internet browser and display the specified website.

  1. Repeat Step 5 until all the detail line items have been entered for the purchase order.

Note:  The Distributed amount for the purchase order must equal the PO Amount specified in the Header Information.  These totals along with the batch total are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

  1. If the PO Amount field was left blank (and the Automatically Calculate Totals on Data Entry field in the Accounts Payable System File is not selected), click the Calculate button for the PO Amount field at this time to have the system automatically add up the total of all the detail line items and display the total amount.

  2. Click the Save button.

  1. A message will appear stating the purchase order was saved; click OK.

10. If desired, click the Print Purchase Order button to print the purchase order form for the current purchase order number displayed.  The Print Purchase Order button only appears if the Default Purchase Order Format field is completed in the Accounts Payable System File within the School Accounting System.

Note:  In order to print the report, a purchase order must be displayed on the screen and have the Purchase Order Number field completed.  Also, a PDF viewer, such as AdobeĀ® Reader, must be installed on your computer prior to running the report; if you do not have a PDF viewer, download AdobeĀ® Reader free of charge by going to http://get.adobe.com/reader/ and following the instructions.

11. To enter another purchase order, click the Add New button, click OK when prompted to continue, and then repeat Steps 4-10.

Tip:  If desired, the Save and Clear button could have been utilized in Step 8 (instead of the Save button) to save the purchase order and add another one, and then this step could have been skipped.

12. Once all the purchase orders have been entered, print a listing (if the user has rights to do so) and then inform the Business Office to post the purchase order batch.  If desired, the purchase orders can also be emailed by completing the Email Purchase Orders option within the School Accounting System.

Tip:  Print the Purchase Order Listing-Detail or Purchase Order Listing-Summary to view a listing of all purchase orders in the selected batch.  Print the Standard Purchase Order Form report (or other custom purchase order format setup defined for your school district) to print the actual purchase order forms.

 Steps to Print a Report