Note: The following instructions are for inactivating a group of users by utilizing the Inactivate Users option; if desired, an individual user can be inactivated by removing the checkmark for the Active field within the User Security option. Only supervisors and Web Link administrators can access the User Security option.
From the School Accounting System screen, click the User Controls button and then select User Security.
At the User Security screen, select the Options menu and then Inactivate Users.
All the active users appear in the Users List on the Inactivate Users screen. Select the users to inactivate by clicking the box in the Selected column to the left of the desired user. A checkmark will appear in the box if the user is selected. If desired, change the filters to modify the users displayed here.
Note: If a Web Link administrator is completing the Inactivate Users option, users defined as supervisors or database administrators will not appear in the Users List.
Click the Execute button to inactivate the selected users.