Note: The Convert User IDs to Match Employee IDs option is only available to supervisors and Web Link administrators from within the User Security option.
From the School Accounting System screen, click the User Controls button and then select User Security.
At the User Security screen, select the Options menu and then Convert User IDs to Match Employee IDs.
On the Convert User IDs to Match Employee IDs screen, all the users who are tied to employees where the User ID and Employee ID are different appear in the User IDs to Convert List. Select the users for which to change the User ID to match the Employee ID by clicking the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired user. A checkmark will appear in the box if the user is selected. To select all the users listed on the screen, click the Select All button located above the User IDs to Convert List.
Click the Execute button.
When prompted, select Yes to continue to update the users.
After the process is completed, the system will display a message in the status bar.