On the Edit Report screen for the selected report, select the Group Header or Group Footer for the group to edit by clicking the title bar for the section.
Note: If the report to edit is not yet open, first complete the following: from the Report Writer screen, click on the name of the view group in the Report Groups List that contains the report for which to edit the group and click on the name of the report to edit in the Reports List (or click the Find button instead to search for the desired report); then click the Edit Record button located at the top of the screen.
Using the Properties List located in the lower right corner of the Edit Report screen, make the desired changes for the group.
To suppress a section so that it does not print, click the title bar for the desired section and then select False in the Visible field under the Behavior section in the Properties List.
To change the sort order for the group, click the title bar for the Group Header section and then select the desired option (Ascending or Descending) in the Sort field under the Data section in the Properties List.
To have a new page inserted before and/or after the section, click the title bar for the desired section and then select the desired option (None, Before, After, or BeforeAfter) in the New Page field under the Data section in the Properties List.
To change the field (or formula) used for the group, click the title bar for the Group Header section and then click the down-arrow button in the Data Field field under the Data section in the Properties List to select the desired field for which to have the data grouped (sorted).
After all the changes have been made, click the Save button.