
Groups are used to define how to sort the information printed on the report.  A group can be added to a report for a specific database field or formula.  For example, a group can be added to a report for an ID field in order to sort the data by IDs, or a group can be added for a description field in order to sort the data alphabetically by the description.  Multiple groups can be added to a report to have it sort the data different ways.  For example, multiple groups can be added to first sort by description and then sort by IDs.

When adding a group to a report, the particular database field or formula on which to add the group is selected and then the Group Header and Group Footer sections are automatically included on the report for the specified field or formula.  As groups are added to a report, the sections appear on the screen as GroupHeader_##_ and GroupFooter_##_ (with ## reflecting the number of the group), followed by the name of the field or formula for which the group is defined.  For example, the first group will appear as GroupHeader_01_ and GroupFooter_01_, the second group will appear as GroupHeader_02_ and GroupFooter_02_, the third group as GroupHeader_03_ and GroupFooter_03_, etc.  The order the groups are listed with the assigned numbers is the order the groups will print (sort) the information on the actual report.

Steps to Add a Group

Steps to Change a Group

Steps to Delete a Group