Payroll End of Month Checklist

_____ 1. Generate the state retirement report, if applicable; then print the report and create the file for submission.

Retirement Reports

_____ 2. For Wyoming school districts only, generate the Wyoming Workers Compensation Report, if applicable.

Wyoming Workers Compensation Report

_____ 3. For Illinois school districts only, generate the state unemployment report for non-quarter ending months; then print the report and create the file for submission, if applicable.

Illinois Unemployment Report

_____ 4. Print the Payroll reports for end of month used at your school district.  


Payroll Register-Summarized by Employee

Earnings Report by Pay Code

Deduction Report with Gross Wages

Combined Earnings Report without Benefits

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Print a Report

_____ 5. For organizations using the School Accounting System installed locally, make a backup.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Backup