Note: Use the instructions below to import the assignment records into the Employee Maintenance tab in the Nebraska SPEDFRS option.
From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Nebraska SPEDFRS.
At the Nebraska SPEDFRS screen, select the Options menu and then Import Staff Position Assignments.
A prompt will appear asking to overwrite (clear) all records and import the new data or to update existing records and add new ones. To delete all information previously listed on the Employee Maintenance tab within the Nebraska SPEDFRS option and import the new data, click Overwrite. To update the existing records where the SPI code and position assignment code are the same for the existing employees already entered on the Employee Maintenance tab within the Nebraska SPEDFRS option and add any new assignment records if applicable, click Update.
Complete the Import Staff Position Assignments screen by starting with Step 6 on the instructions for importing.
Steps to Import (Starting with Step
The imported records will now display on the Employee Maintenance tab within the Nebraska SPEDFRS option.
If needed, manually make changes for the employees on the Employee Maintenance tab.
to Edit the Assignment Records on the Employee Maintenance Tab in the
Nebraska SPEDFRS Option
Continue with Step 4 on the Nebraska SPEDFRS Completion Checklist.