From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Kansas GASB 68 Report.
At the Kansas GASB 68 Report screen, click the Report Options tab and complete the information.
Enter the option for how to generate the report (Check Date or Processing Month) in the Generate By field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. To generate the report for posted payroll batches for a specified period based on check dates, select Check Date. To generate the report for posted payroll batches for a specified period based on processing months, select Processing Month.
If Check Date is specified as the Generate By option, the Starting Date and Ending Date fields will be enabled. Enter the first check date to generate in the Starting Date field and the last check date to generate in the Ending Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired dates.
If Processing Month is specified as the Generate By option, the Starting Processing Month and Ending Processing Month fields will be enabled. Enter the first processing month to generate in the Starting Processing Month field and the last processing month to generate in the Ending Processing Month field. Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired months.
Click the Save button.
Click the Deductions tab to select the applicable deductions.
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, or the Save button is clicked (if applicable), the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
For the retirement deduction(s), enter which share (Employee, Employer, or Both) of the deduction to include on the report in the Member Contribution field (column), or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
To include the amounts for an Add type deduction or a Payment In Kind type deduction in the gross earnings total on the report, select the Gross Earnings field (column). A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected for a deduction.
Note: The Gross Earnings column is only enabled for Add and Payment In Kind type deductions.
Click the Save button.
Click the Pay Codes tab to select the applicable pay codes to include in the gross earnings total on the report.
For each pay code to include in the gross earnings total on the report, select the Gross Earnings field (column). A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected for a pay code. To select the Gross Earnings column (field) for all of the pay codes, click the Select All button located above the Pay Codes List.
Click the Save button.
Click the View Data tab to generate and view the information.
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
The generated information appears in the View Data List.
Tip: If desired, to print the information displayed in the View Data List, complete a print screen or print grid.
To print a report showing the total gross wages and total retirement contributions to submit to the Kansas Retirement Office, select the Reports menu and Kansas GASB 68 Summary Report, and then export the report as a .PDF file by clicking the Export button.
To create a file of the required employee information to submit to the Kansas Retirement Office, complete the Create Report File option.
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.