From the Negotiations screen, select the Options menu and then Compare Packages.
At the Compare Packages screen, enter the IDs of the two packages to compare in the two fields in the Packages to Compare section, or click the down-arrow button to select a package for a field.
Note: Only packages with the Salary Totals table and the Benefit Totals table built (and either updated or not yet updated) can be entered in these fields.
Click the Execute button.
The Comparison Detail List displays showing the total costs for wages, deductions, and taxes for each package, along with the breakdown by deduction and tax (based on the deduction or tax description) and the grand total for each package. The Comparison Detail List also shows the differences between the packages by dollar amount and percentage for the various totals, including the overall percentage change in cost between the two packages.
To print the information for the package comparison, complete a print screen, print grid, or print the Package Comparison Report with Amount/Percent Change, or else use the Export Grid option to export the information in the grid to a file.
To complete the Compare Packages option for two different packages, click the Cancel button and then repeat these steps.