Voucher Jackets

Voucher Jackets are a type of report available in Accounts Payable to be printed for invoices that have been paid.  The Voucher Jackets print a separate page for each different vendor paid with a particular check, direct deposit, or automatic payment.  The vendor ID, name, and address, as well as the payment information including the checking account number, check (or stub) number, payment date, and payment type, print on the Voucher Jackets.  The detailed information from the paid invoices, such as the account numbers, purchase order numbers (if applicable), invoice numbers, line item descriptions, invoice dates, and line item amounts, are also included on the Voucher Jackets.  If desired, signature lines for who verified and/or approved the payments, along with dates of the verification and approval, and a perjury statement can be printed on the Voucher Jackets; the signature lines and perjury statement are defined and customized within the Voucher Jacket Setup option.  

The Voucher Jackets that are standard reports within the School Accounting System are titled as "Voucher and Warrant" and are listed under the Check Cycle menu, Post-Check Reports option and the Reports menu in Accounts Payable.

Voucher Jacket Setup