Note: The instructions below are for submitting corrected Vendor 1099 forms electronically to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for prior submissions. To submit a corrected file because a vendor was missed from the initial submission, repeat the steps to submit the 1099s electronically to the IRS; when completing those steps a second or subsequent time for a particular calendar year, only the vendors with 1099s not previously submitted can be selected to submit.
to Submit 1099s Electronically to IRS
Tip: Only one submission file for 1099-MISC forms or 1099-NEC forms can be pending (processing) with the IRS at a time.
If needed, make the appropriate changes to resolve any errors received in a prior submission.
From the Accounts Payable screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Vendor 1099s.
The 1099 Search screen will appear listing all the Calendar Year Ending Dates for which there is data. Double-click on the Calendar Year Ending Date for the desired calendar year for which to submit the corrected 1099 forms.
At the Vendor 1099s screen, click the IRS Submissions tab.
All the files that have been previously submitted to the IRS for the selected calendar year appear in the IRS Submissions List. Click on the most recent submission containing the records for which to resubmit the data. For example, if submitting corrections for vendor records for 1099-NEC forms on the original file, click on the original 1099-NEC file; but, if after submitting 1099-NEC corrections for an original file, additional corrections are needed for those same vendor records for 1099-NEC forms, click on the correction 1099-NEC submission. As another example, if submitting corrections for the vendor records for 1099-MISC forms, click on the original 1099-MISC file; but, if after submitting 1099-MISC corrections for an original file, additional corrections are needed for those same vendor records for 1099-MISC forms, click on the correction 1099-MISC submission. If desired, change the filters to modify the submissions displayed here.
If submitting corrections, all the vendors included in the selected submission appear in the 1099s to Resubmit List. In the 1099s to Resubmit List, specify the vendors to resubmit by clicking the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired vendor. A checkmark will appear in the box if a vendor is selected. If applicable, the vendors with errors will be selected by default and cannot be unselected. If submitting corrections for a rejected file (submission has Rejected as the Submission Status), all the vendors will be selected by default and cannot be unselected.
Note: If the Selected column is unselected and disabled for a vendor, the vendor was included in a later submission and cannot be resubmitted for the currently selected file; refer to the Last Submission Date/Time and Last Submission File ID fields (columns) for the submission in which the vendor can be resubmitted for corrections if needed.
Click the Submit Electronic File to IRS button to submit the corrected 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC information returns to the IRS.
Note: After clicking the button, the system checks the 1099s for errors before transmitting the information to the IRS. If there are errors, a screen will appear listing the errors; the errors must be resolved before the information can be submitted. If applicable, fix the errors and then repeat the steps above in order to submit the information.
The Vendor 1099s screen will be refreshed and display the information included in the corrected submission. For a corrected submission, the following information appears in the IRS Submissions List: the date and time of the corrected submission, Pending as the Submission Status, 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC as the Form Type, IRS Processing as the IRS Return Error Information, Correction to File ID # (with # reflecting the appropriate File ID being corrected) as the Submission Type, the File ID, and the applicable year.
Close the Vendor 1099s screen.
The IRS will process the corrected submission, and once the results are ready, an alert will appear on the main Accounts Payable screen. See below for examples of the alerts that may appear after the submission has been processed. (Tip: The YYYY will be replaced with the calendar year for which the forms were submitted.)
Note: The processing time for the submission typically takes several minutes; if an alert for the submission does not appear after one week, contact Customer Support for assistance. In order to see a new alert, the Accounts Payable screen must be refreshed by closing the screen and then re-opening it, or clicking the Refresh Screen icon in the lower right-hand corner of the Accounts Payable screen.
YYYY: Submitted 1099-MISC Forms Accepted by IRS and YYYY: Submitted 1099-NEC Forms Accepted by IRS - indicate the submission was processed successfully without any errors. To view the details for the accepted submission, click the alert to view the IRS Submissions screen within the Vendor 1099s option. The submission appears in the IRS Submissions List with Accepted as the Submission Status, 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC as the Form Type, No Errors as the IRS Return Error Information, and a File ID. No further action is needed. The alert will no longer display after closing the Vendor 1099s screen and refreshing the Accounts Payable screen, or after 30 days if either the alert or the Vendor 1099s option is not selected.
YYYY: Submitted 1099-MISC Forms Need Corrections and YYYY: Submitted 1099-NEC Forms Need Corrections - indicate there were errors found with the submission and corrections need to be submitted. To view the details for the submission, click the alert to view the IRS Submissions screen within the Vendor 1099s option. The submission appears in the IRS Submissions List as one of the following: 1) Accepted with Errors as the Submission Status, 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC as the Form Type, and a File ID; or 2) Rejected as the Submission Status, 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC as the Form Type, Errors Detected-Corrections Needed as the IRS Return Error Information, and a File ID. Click on the submission containing the errors and then all the 1099s included in the submission appear in the 1099s to Resubmit List; for the 1099s with errors, a description of the error displays in the Error Message field (column). Make the appropriate changes to resolve the errors, and then complete the steps to submit corrected 1099s electronically to IRS. The alert will no longer display after submitting a corrected file and refreshing the Accounts Payable screen, or after 90 days if a corrected file is not resubmitted.
YYYY: Transmission Error with 1099 Forms - indicates there were issues connecting to the Internal Revenue Service site and the file was not successfully transmitted. To view the details for the submission and resubmit the file, click the alert to view the IRS Submissions screen within the Vendor 1099s option. Click on the appropriate submission (the submission will display with Transmission Error-Try Again as the Submission Status in the IRS Submissions List), and then click the Submit Electronic File to IRS button. The alert will no longer display after resubmitting the file and refreshing the Accounts Payable screen, or after 90 days if the file is not resubmitted.
Tip: If desired, view the tutorial below demonstrating submitting corrected 1099s electronically to the IRS. In order to view the tutorial, you must have an active Internet connection, along with a sound card and speakers installed on your computer.