Note: Changes cannot be made to requisitions from within the Requisition Status option. In order for the Requisition Status option to be available in Web Link, a user must be defined with rights to enter requisitions (within the User Security option in the School Accounting System).
Select the Data Entry menu and then Requisition Status.
The Requisition Status screen will appear listing all requisitions that have been entered by the user currently logged into the system. If all the requisitions do not appear on the Requisition Status screen, advance to the page on which the desired requisition is included by clicking the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page button, or clicking the appropriate page number. If desired, change the filters as needed to view the desired requisitions.
Tip: To sort the requisitions in ascending or descending order by a particular field (column), click on the column heading (label) for the desired field; an up or down arrow will appear to the right of the field indicating the order of the requisitions (ascending or descending).
Select the requisition for which to view the status by clicking once on the Requisition Number.
The approval information will appear in the Approvals List (on the bottom of the screen) for the selected requisition if it has been submitted. For each approval sequence (as based on the approval tree assigned to the requisition), the following information appears: whether the user approved or rejected the requisition, the name of the user who actually completed the approval process for the sequence, the name of the user who was listed as the primary user for the particular approval sequence, the name of the user who was listed as the alternate (if applicable), and the date the approval sequence was completed.
If applicable, the comments for the selected requisition will also appear in the Comments List (on the bottom of the screen). The system will display the comments, the name of the user who entered the comments, and the date the comment was entered (or updated).