Changing a Password

Note:  The following steps allow a user to change his or her password.

Tip:  If the system is set up to have user passwords expire (within the System File in the School Accounting System), and your password will expire within 10 days or less, a "Password expires in # day(s)." link will appear on the Home screen, with the # being the number of days before your password expires.  If applicable, click the link to change the password and continue with Step 3 below.    

  1. Select the Settings menu and then Change Password.

  2. The Change Password screen will appear.

  3. Enter the existing password in the Current Password field.

Tip:  If desired, click the Show/Hide Password button to view the text keyed into the Current Password field.

  1. Enter the new password (up to 20 characters long and cannot be blank) in the New Password field.  The password is case sensitive, so be sure to note whether the password is keyed with or without caps.

Note:  If applicable, the requirements for the complexity of the password (as defined in the System File within the School Accounting System) display on the screen.

Tip:  If desired, click the Show/Hide Password button to view the text keyed into the New Password field.

  1. Enter the new password a second time in the Repeat New Password field to verify the password was keyed correctly.

Tip:  If desired, click the Show/Hide Password button to view the text keyed into the Repeat New Password field.

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. A message will appear stating the password has been changed; click OK.

  3. The next time the specified user logs into Web Link (and the School Accounting System, if applicable), the new password must be entered.