Adding File Documents

Note:  The instructions below are for adding employee documents using the View/Add File Documents option in Web Link that need to be filed in K12Docs; the employee documents will be uploaded for the Business Office to review and then index and file to K12Docs using the Process Employee Uploaded Documents option in Payroll and/or Human Resources.  In order for the View/Add File Documents option to be available in Web Link, a user must be defined with rights to view/add file documents and have the Employee ID field completed (within the User Security option in the School Accounting System); and also the Web Link Setup Options must be completed to allow access to the desired subfolders within the SUI_PR_Employees application in K12Docs and allow employee documents to be uploaded.

Tip:  Be sure to scan each document separately and save each as a separate file; do not scan multiple documents into one file to upload.  The documents must be scanned separately with each saved as a separate file, and then the files uploaded in Web Link, in order for the Business Office to index and file each document properly to K12Docs.

Note:  The file size of the document to upload cannot be greater than 50MB.

  1. The index values for the employee folder (such as Employee ID, Last Name, and First Name) to which the document will be uploaded appear by default and cannot be changed.  

Tip:  The specified document will be uploaded to the Employee Uploaded (Pending) subfolder within the SUI_PR_Employees application in K12Docs for the designated employee.  

  1. Complete the standard attributes for the document as desired:

  2. Enter a description (up to 100 characters) for the document in the Document Description field.

  3. Enter the date of the document in the Document Date field.  Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Calendar Search button to select the desired date.  The current date will appear by default but can be changed.

Note:  All other document attribute fields are disabled and cannot be changed; the values for the other document attributes that are known by the system display the applicable data.

  1. Select the Convert Document to TIFF field to have the file saved as a .TIFF file when uploading.  A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.  If the Automatically Convert Documents to TIFF field is selected in the System File within the School Accounting System, this field will be selected by default and cannot be changed.  

Tip:  If this field is selected, only .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .TXT, .RTF, .HTM, and .HTML documents are saved as .TIFF files; if a different type of file is being uploaded, a warning icon will appear noting the file will not be converted to a .TIFF file and will be uploaded in its original format.

  1. Click the Save button to upload the document.

  2. After the document is uploaded, the Add Document screen will close.

  3. If designated to do so in the Web Link Setup Options (in the School Accounting System), notification emails for uploaded employee documents that are pending will be sent to the appropriate users.  If there were notification email messages that did not go through, an error will be tracked in the Activity Log option (on the System Log tab) in the School Accounting System and an alert will appear on the main School Accounting System screen.  If an email is rejected, the rejection notice will be sent to the appropriate address for the designated email address in the Email Manager option.