Sample Formulas


Below is a list of examples that you can use when adding a new formula.


Formula:  [vprEmployees].[FirstName] + ' ' + [vprEmployees].[LastName]

Result:  One field displaying the employee’s first name, a space, and then the employee’s last name


Formula:  [vfaAssets].[UnitCost] * [vfaAssets].[Quantity]

Result:  Unit cost multiplied by quantity to calculate total cost (asset value)


Formula:  ([vfaAssets].[TotalCost] - [vfaAssets].[SalvageValue]) / [vfaAssets].[UsefulLife]

Result:  Total cost less the salvage value divided by the number of years of useful life to calculate the depreciated amount per year for an asset


Formula:  LEFT([vprEmployees].[MiddleName], 1)

Result:  An employee’s middle initial (first character from the left part of the field)


Formula:  RIGHT([vprEmployees].[LastName], 4)

Result:  Last four characters of an employee’s last name (last four characters from the right part of the field)


Formula:  SUBSTRING([vprEmployees].[LastName], 4, 3)

Result:  Three characters of an employee’s last name starting with the fourth character


Formula:  UPPER([vprEmployees].[LastName])

Result:  An employee’s last name in all uppercase even though it may have been keyed in upper- and lowercase letters


Formula:  LOWER([vprEmployees].[LastName])

Result:  An employee’s last name in all lowercase even though it may have been keyed in upper- and lowercase letters


Formula:  LEN([vprEmployees].[LastName])

Result:  Number of characters of an employee’s last name


Formula:  YEAR([vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate])

Result:  Year when an asset was purchased


Formula:  MONTH([vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate])

Result:  Month when an asset was purchased


Formula:  DAY([vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate])

Result:  Day when an asset was purchased


Formula:  CASE WHEN [vprEmployees].[EmployeeStatus] = 'Terminated' THEN [vprEmployees].[TerminationDateLatest] ELSE NULL END

Result:  If an employee has an Employee Status of terminated, the latest termination date will print; otherwise, will be blank

Tip:  This formula would be defined with Date as the Data Type.


Formula:  CASE WHEN [vprEmployees].[EmployeeStatus] = 'Terminated' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR, [vprEmployees].[TerminationDateLatest], 101) ELSE 'N/A' END

Result:  If an employee has an Employee Status of terminated, the latest termination date will print (using the format of mm/dd/yyyy); otherwise, N/A will print

Tip:  This formula would be defined with Text as the Data Type.


Formula:  CASE [vprEmployees].[EmployeeStatus] WHEN 'Terminated' THEN 'Terminated On '+CONVERT(VARCHAR, [vprEmployees].[TerminationDateLatest], 101) WHEN 'Retired' Then 'Retired On '+CONVERT(VARCHAR, [vprEmployees].[TerminationDateLatest], 101) ELSE 'Not Applicable' END

Result:  If an employee has an Employee Status of terminated, Terminated On followed by the latest termination date will print (using the format of mm/dd/yyyy); or if an employee has an Employee Status of retired, Retired On followed by the latest termination date will print (using the format of mm/dd/yyyy); otherwise, Not Applicable will print

Tip:  This formula would be defined with Text as the Data Type.


Formula:  DATEDIFF(YEAR, [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate], CONVERT(DATE,'07/01/2001'))

Result:  Number of years the district has had the asset as of July 1, 2001


Formula:  DATEDIFF(YEAR, [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate], GETDATE())

Result:  Number of years the district has had the asset as of the current date (based on the current date set on the computer)


Formula:  DATEDIFF(MONTH, [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate], CONVERT(DATE,'07/01/2001'))

Result:  Number of months the district has had the asset as of July 1, 2001


Formula:  (DATEDIFF(MONTH, [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate], CONVERT(DATE,'07/01/2001')))/12.00

Result:  Number of years and months the district has had the asset as of July 1, 2001


Formula:  DATEDIFF(DAY, [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate], CONVERT(DATE,'07/01/2001'))

Result:  Number of days the district has had the asset as of July 1, 2001


Formula:  DATEADD(YEAR, 2, [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate])

Result:  A date equaling the purchase date of an asset plus two years


Formula:  DATEADD(MONTH, 6, [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate])

Result:  A date equaling the purchase date of an asset plus six months


Formula:  DATEADD(DAY, 20, [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate])

Result:  A date equaling the purchase date of an asset plus 20 days



Result:  A date equaling one year from the current date (based on the current date set on the computer)