
The Formulas option in Report Writer is used to create formulas to include on reports, and change or delete formulas.  Within the Formulas option, formulas can be created to do a number of functions, including the following:  1) add, subtract, multiply, and divide fields (for example, multiply the quantity field by the unit price field to determine the total cost of an item); 2) combine two or more fields into one (for example, combine the first and last name fields into one for the full name); 3) compare an expression in order to determine the result (for example, if a certain field is true for a record then print one phrase or else if it is false print a different phrase); and 4) change the format of field (for example, change the text in a field to all uppercase).  Formulas can be as simple or as complex as needed.

Once a formula is created for one report, the same formula can be accessed and included on other applicable reports (those built in view groups containing the fields included in the formula).

Steps to Add a Formula

Steps to Change a Formula

Steps to Delete a Formula

Steps to Insert a Formula


Sample Formulas