From the Negotiations screen, select the Maintenance menu and then Agreement Form Setup - Unit Employee.
If desired, enter the name and title of the person who signs the contract (for example, the superintendent) in the Signature Line 1 field. The name and title can be alphanumeric and up to 50 characters long.
Tip: A signature line automatically prints for the employee to sign the contract; the Signature Line 1 and Signature Line 2 fields are designed for the school district officials who must sign the contract.
To print the signature (that was scanned and saved as a .gif file) on the contracts for the first person as specified in the Signature Line 1 field, enter the path (drive and folders) for the signature file in the Signature Line 1 Image Path field, or click the Search button to select the correct path and file. The path can be up to 150 characters in length.
Note: The image entered in this field is defined to print on the contracts in a space measuring 0.35 inches in height and 4 inches in width.
If desired, enter the name and title of an additional person who signs the contract (for example, the board president) in the Signature Line 2 field. The name and title can be alphanumeric and up to 50 characters long.
To print the signature (that was scanned and saved as a .gif file) on the contracts for the second person as specified in the Signature Line 2 field, enter the path (drive and folders) for the signature file in the Signature Line 2 Image Path field, or click the Search button to select the correct path and file. The path can be up to 150 characters in length.
Note: The image entered in this field is defined to print on the contracts in a space measuring 0.35 inches in height and 4 inches in width.
Enter the text to print as the terms on the Standard Agreement Form - Unit Employee report in the Agreement Statement field. The statement can be alphanumeric and up to 32,000 characters long.
Note: The reserved words available to use within the statement are: EMPLOYEENAMEFIRSTMIDDLELASTSUFFIX to include the employee's full name; EMPLOYEEID to include the employee's ID; FIRSTNAME to include the employee's first name; LASTNAME to include the employee's last name; EMPLOYEENAMEWITHADDRESS to include the employee's full name and address (will be printed as a block on multiple lines); ADDRESSWITHOUTNAME to include the employee's address (will be printed as a block on multiple lines); SOCIALSECURITYNUMBER to include the employee's social security number (will be printed as a mask with only the last four digits displaying); FISCALYEAREND to include the fiscal year end for the pay code; PAYCODEID to include the ID of the pay code; CONTRACTSTARTDATE to include the date in the Start Date field for the contract pay code from the Wages screen in the Employee File (or the Default Contract Start Date as specified when printing the report if the Start Date field is blank); UNITSTARTDATE to include the date in the Start Date field for the unit pay code from the Wages screen in the Employee File (or the Default Unit Start Date as specified when printing the report if the Start Date field is blank); CHECKDESCRIPTION to include the data in the Check Description field for the pay code from the Wages screen in the Employee File; FTEVALUE to include the value from the FTE field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; LANEVALUE to include the value from the Lane field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; LANEDESCRIPTION to include the description for the lane specified in the Lane field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; STEPVALUE to include the value from the Step field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; STEPDESCRIPTION to include the description for the step specified in the Step field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; TOTALCONTRACT to include the amount in the Total Contract field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; TOTALPAYMENTS to include the number in the Total Payments field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; PAYRATE to include the amount in the Pay Rate field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; TOTALHOURS to include the number in the Total Hours field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; REGULARDAYS to include the number in the Regular Days field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; ADDITIONALDAYS to include the number in the Additional Days field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; HOURSPERDAY to include the number in the Hours Per Day field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; HOURSPERPAYROLL to include the number in the Hours Per Payroll field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; ABSENCEPERDAY to include the amount from the Absence Per Day field on the Wages screen in the Employee File for the pay code; ADDITIONALDOLLARS to include the amount from the Additional Dollars field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; ADDITIONALDEGREEHOURS to include the number in the Additional Degree Hours field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; ADDITIONALPERCENT to include the number from the Additional Percent field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; PREVIOUSYEAR to include the amount from the Previous Year field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File; and POSITIONDESCRIPTION to include the description for the position specified in the Position Title ID field on the Wages screen in the Employee File for the pay code, if applicable. (Tip: The reserved words that are dollar amounts are not formatted to automatically print the dollar sign; therefore, to have the amount print with a dollar sign, enter $ directly in front of the reserved word (for example, $TOTALCONTRACT).)
Click the Save button.
To then print contracts for the unit employees, generate the Standard Agreement Form - Unit Employee report, which is accessed under the Reports menu on the Agreement Form Setup - Unit Employee screen, or under the Reports menu on the Negotiations main screen and then Employee Reports (NG).
Tip: If a signature image is defined to print on the contracts (the Signature Line 1 Image Path field or the Signature Line 2 Image Path field is completed), a Variable Fields parameter displays on the Report Printing Options screen (Contract Agreement Signed Date Line 1 field or Contract Agreement Signed Date Line 2 field); if applicable, complete the field with the date to print with the signature.
Note: If the Standard Agreement Form - Unit Employee report is selected for a user to be able to print from within Web Link, any signature images will not print on the report when generated from within Web Link.