General Ledger End of Month Checklist

_____ 1.  Complete the check reconciliation.

Steps to Complete Check Reconciliation

_____ 2.  Print the General Ledger reports for end of month used at your school district.


Check Register by Checking Account (Note:  The Check Register by Checking Account includes prepaid checks, automatic payment stubs, and direct deposit stubs, if applicable.)

Cash Receipts Listing

Manual Journal Entries Listing

Entry File Report

Account Inquiry

Trial Balance Report

Activity Fund Balance Report

Balance Sheet

Revenue Summary Report

Flexible Financial Reports (Note:  This may include multiple reports that were set up and customized with the Flexible Financial Report Setup option.)

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Print a Report

_____ 3.  For organizations using the School Accounting System installed locally, make a backup.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Backup