Note: In order to view the applicable assets from the scanner file when adding new assets, be sure all the necessary steps have been done for the Process Scanner Data option before completing the following instructions.
From within a batch under the Add New Assets option, select the Options menu and then View Scanner Assets.
The Scanner Assets List will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the screen showing all the new assets found during the inventory (assets that were scanned during an inventory that are not yet entered into the Fixed Asset Inventory module) and assets that were scanned but marked as disposed in the system with entries previously posted to General Ledger.
Double-click the desired asset to add, and then continue adding the asset as normal.
Note: If an asset had been scanned at multiple locations (with a different Site ID, Building ID, and/or Room ID), the asset will be listed multiple times (with a checkmark appearing in the Duplicate field (column)) but will only be allowed to be added once and will default to use the location (Site ID, Building ID, and Room ID) from the specific line selected to be added.