Compare Packages

The Compare Packages option in Negotiations is used to compare two packages in order to view the differences in costs and the percentage changes between the two packages.  With the Compare Packages option, the total costs for wages, deductions, and taxes are shown for each package, along with the breakdown by deduction and tax (based on the deduction or tax description).  The grand totals for each package also display within the Compare Packages option, and the differences between the packages by dollar amount and percentage are shown for the various totals, including showing the overall percentage change in cost between the two packages.

Note:  Only packages with the Salary Totals table and the Benefit Totals table built can be compared using the Compare Packages option.

Steps to Compare Packages

Compare Packages Tutorial

Note:  In order to view the tutorial, you must have an active Internet connection, along with a sound card and speakers installed on your computer.