Note: The following instructions are for inactivating a group of vendors using the Inactivate Vendors option; if desired, an individual vendor can be inactivated by removing the checkmark for the Active field within the Vendor File.
From the Accounts Payable screen, select the Maintenance menu and then Vendors.
Note: If a checks batch has been created and not yet updated, a message will appear stating a check cycle is in progress and the changes may not take effect unless the batch is deleted and started over; click OK.
At the Vendors screen, select the Options menu and then Inactivate Vendors.
At the Inactivate Vendors screen, enter the range of dates in the Last Check Date From and To fields to display only vendors with certain Last Check Dates. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired dates.
Click the Display button.
All the vendors who have a Last Check Date in the specified date range appear in the Vendors List. For each vendor, the ID, name, Last Check Date, whether the vendor has active entries or not, address, description, and vendor groups display. If desired, change the filters to modify the vendors displayed here.
Note: Active entries for a vendor include: 1) unposted invoices and posted invoices not yet assigned a check number (and not voided); 2) unposted purchase orders and posted purchase orders with an outstanding balance (not cancelled); 3) unsubmitted requisitions and submitted requisitions that have not been cancelled or converted to purchase orders.
Select the vendors to inactivate by clicking the box in the Selected column to the left of the desired vendor. A checkmark will appear in the box if the vendor is selected. To select all the vendors listed on the screen, click the Select All button located above the Vendors List.
Click the Execute button to inactivate the selected vendors.
When prompted to continue, click Yes.