Voiding an Invoice

  1. From the Accounts Payable screen, select the Options menu and then Void Invoices.

  2. At the Void Invoices screen, enter the ID of the vendor for the invoice to void in the Vendor ID field.  If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one, or press the Ctrl+F keys to access the search feature.

Note:  Click the Find button to select the correct vendor and invoice number of the invoice to void; then continue with Step 4.

  1. Enter the number of the invoice to void in the Invoice Number field.  If the invoice number is not known, click the Find button to select the correct one.

  2. The information for the specified invoice will display on the right-hand side of the screen, such as the Invoice Amount, Invoice Date, Due Date, and Invoice Description.

Note:  If part of the invoice was previously paid (only applicable for invoices with multiple detail line items), the amount that was paid appears in the Paid Amount field and only the remaining amount that is unpaid will be voided (reversed).

  1. If the invoice to be voided is tied to a purchase order, the Restore Purchase Order field will be enabled.  If applicable, select the Restore Purchase Order field to have the purchase order show as outstanding (not invoiced) after the invoice is voided.  A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.  The Restore Purchase Order field is selected by default.

  2. Enter the date the invoice is voided in the Void Date field.  Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.  Leave the field blank to default to the current date.

  3. Enter the month for which to post the voided invoice in the Void Month field.  Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.  Leave the field blank to default to the current month (as based on the computer date).

Note:  Only for organizations that operate on an accrual basis OR if voiding an invoice that was previously expensed using the Expense Outstanding Payables option, if the month entered is prior to the current month, all the financials from the month specified and forward will be affected (changed).

  1. If voiding an invoice that was expensed in a prior fiscal year (from operating on an accrual basis or using the Expense Outstanding Payables option; does not apply to invoices that were reverse GAAP expensed), the Reversal Option field is enabled.  If applicable, enter the option for the entries to make when voiding the invoice in the Reversal Option field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.  

Note:  If Debit Payables and Credit Refund of Prior Years' Expenditures Account in specified Void Month is selected as the Reversal Option, the Refund of Prior Years' Expenditures Account field in the Fund File must be completed for the applicable fund(s).

Tip:  For invoices with multiple detail line items, if part of the invoice was expensed in a prior fiscal year and part was expensed in the same fiscal year, the Reversal Option is only applicable for the lines that were expensed in a prior fiscal year.

  1. Click the Execute button to void the specified invoice.

10. When prompted to continue, click Yes to void the invoice.

Note:  If the invoice to be voided includes an asset that was posted to Fixed Asset Inventory and the asset had already been added within the Add New Assets option, the prompt will note the invoice is tied to an asset; click Yes to continue voiding the invoice.

11. For Iowa school districts only, if the invoice had been reverse GAAP expensed using the Expense Outstanding Payables option, you will also need to complete manual journal entries (being sure to select the Reversing GAAP field on the batch options screen for the manual journal entries batch) to debit the appropriate Accounts Payable balance sheet account number(s) and credit the appropriate expense account number(s).