Note: Use the instructions below to void a check, direct deposit stub, or automatic payment stub. When voiding a direct deposit stub or an automatic payment stub, contact your bank to be sure that they are able to reverse the transaction before voiding the item within the School Accounting System.
From the General Ledger screen, select the Check Options menu and then Void Checks.
Note: If desired, to access the Void Checks option from Accounts Payable or Payroll, select the Options menu from the Accounts Payable or Payroll screen, Check Options, and then Void Checks. When accessing the option from Accounts Payable or Payroll, only the checks written in the particular module from which the option was accessed can be voided.
At the Void Checks screen, enter the appropriate type of check (Automatic Payment, Check, Direct Deposit, or Zero Balance) to void in the Check Type field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Note: Click the Find button to select the correct check type, checking account, and check number of the check, direct deposit stub, or automatic payment stub to void; then continue with the Void Date field.
Enter the ID of the checking account from which the check to void was posted in the Checking Account ID field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Enter the number of the check to void in the Check Number field, or click the Find button to select the correct one.
The information for the specified check (including the ID for the employee, payee, or vendor to which the check was written, the amount, the date, the processing month, and the journal code where the check was posted) will appear in the appropriate fields on the right side of the screen and cannot be changed.
Enter the date the check is voided in the Void Date field. The date should be after the date of the check and within the month specified as the Void Processing Month (completed in next step); also, if voiding a Payroll check, the Void Date cannot be in a different calendar year or fiscal year from the Check Date. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
Note: The date entered in this field will be used to determine on which Quarterly 941, Employee W2, or Vendor 1099 the voided amount will be reflected as those reports are all generated based on the Check Dates. If the date entered in this field is more than two months different from the current date, or is not in the month specified as the Void Processing Month, a warning icon will appear to the right of the field; verify the date entered is correct.
Enter the month for which to post the voided check in the Void Processing Month field. Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
Note: If the month entered is prior to the current month, all the financials from the specified month and forward will be affected (changed). If the month entered in this field is more than two months different from the current month, a warning icon will appear to the right of the field; verify the month entered is correct. If the month entered in this field is different from the month specified in the Void Date field, a warning icon will appear to the right of the Void Date field; verify the dates entered are correct.
If voiding a Payroll check for an employee which included entries for one or more leaves, the Reverse Leaves field is enabled. Select the Reverse Leaves field when voiding the employee’s check to reverse the entries for any leaves that are included on the check. For example, select the Reverse Leave field to reverse the entries if a leave is defined to accrue each pay period and the units earned for the leaves during the pay period should be subtracted from their current balance once the check is voided, or if leave was used during the pay period in which the check was written and it should be added back to their current balance once the check is voided. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
If voiding an Accounts Payable check and the invoice(s) paid with the check were tied to a purchase order, the Restore Purchase Order(s) field is enabled. Select the Restore Purchase Order(s) field to restore the purchase order(s) in order to invoice and pay at a later date. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Tip: Since the invoices tied to the check are automatically voided when the check is voided, utilize the Copy Invoice option to copy and recreate the voided invoice in order to pay at a later date, if needed.
If voiding an Accounts Payable check that was written in a prior fiscal year or contains invoices that were expensed in a prior fiscal year (from operating on an accrual basis or using the Expense Outstanding Payables option; does not apply to invoices that were reverse GAAP expensed), the Reversal Option field is enabled. If applicable, enter the option for the entries to make when voiding the check in the Reversal Option field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Note: If Debit Cash and Credit Refund of Prior Years' Expenditures Account in specified Void Processing Month is selected as the Reversal Option, the Refund of Prior Years' Expenditures Account field in the Fund File must be completed for the applicable fund(s).
Tip: If the check contained invoices that were expensed in a prior fiscal year and some that were expensed in the same fiscal year, the Reversal Option is only applicable for the invoices that were expensed in a prior fiscal year.
If desired, enter a comment for why the check is being voided in the Comments field. The comment can be alphanumeric and up to 1,000 characters long. The default message of "Voided Check" will appear, but can be changed.
Note: Once the check is voided, this comment will be reflected in the Comments field in the Checks File Maintenance for the voided check.
Click the Execute button to continue voiding the check.
Note: If voiding a Payroll check, the system will automatically accumulate the payables in the Deductions Payable and Taxes Payable options for all deductions and taxes which are tied to payees (Payee ID field is completed).
A message will appear once the check is voided; click OK.
If desired, print a Check Register from the Reports menu in General Ledger, selecting the Voids Only report selection to view a listing of the checks, direct deposit stubs, and/or automatic payment stubs that were voided.
Note: When printing a Check Register, to specify a particular date range for when the voided checks were written (not voided), use the Check Date parameter; to specify a particular date range for when the checks were voided, use the Void Date parameter.