Sample Filter Records Formulas


Below is a list of examples that you can use when adding a new filter records formula.


Formula:  [vfaBuildings].[BuildingID] = 'HS'

Result:  All assets with a Building ID of HS


Formula:  [vapInvoiceDetails].[Vendor1099Amount] >= 600

Result:  All vendors with a YTD 1099 amount of $600 or greater


Formula:  [vprEmployees].[SalaryType] = 'U' AND  [vprEmployeeWages].[PayRate] > 7.25

Result:  All employees with a Salary Type of Unit and a Pay Rate greater than $7.25


Formula:  [vfaBuildings].[BuildingID] = 'ELEM' OR [vfaBuildings].[BuildingID] = 'MS'

Result:  All assets with a Building ID of ELEM or MS


Formula:  [vapVendors].[VendorDescription] LIKE 'Text%'

Result:  All vendors with a description that starts with Text


Formula:  [vprPayees].[DirectDeposit] = 'True'

Or Formula:  [vprPayees].[DirectDeposit] = 1

Result:  All payees whose payments are made through direct deposit


Formula:  [vglAccountTypes].[AccountTypeID] = '8'

Result:  All account numbers with an Account Type of 8 for revenues


Formula:   [vfaAssets].[TotalCost] >= 750

Result:  All assets with a Total Cost of $750 or greater


Formula:  [vprEmployeeWages].[Step] = 2 AND [vprEmployeeWages].[Lane] = 3

Result:  All employees with pay codes where the step is equal to 2 and the lane is equal to 3


Formula:  [vprEmployees].[HireRehireDateLatest] >= '01/01/2015'  

Result:  All employees with a Hire/Rehire Date (or most recent Hire/Rehire Date if multiple hire/rehire dates are entered) of January 1, 2015 and later


Formula:  [vapVendors].[LastCheckDate] = '11/15/2015'

Result:  All vendors with a Last Check Date equal to November 15, 2015


Formula:  [vglChartOfAccounts].[AccountTypeID] IN ('8', '9')

Result:  All account numbers with an Account Type of 8 or 9 for revenues and expenditures


Formula:  [vglChartOfAccounts].[AccountTypeID] NOT IN ('8', '9')

Result:  All balance sheet account numbers (those with an Account Type excluding 8 and 9)


Formula:   [vfaAssets].[TotalCost] BETWEEN 750 AND 2000

Result:  All assets with a Total Cost equal to and between $750 and $2000


Formula:  [vglChartOfAccountParts].[FunctionNumber] BETWEEN '2000' AND '2999'

Result:  All account numbers with a function in the 2000s


Formula:  [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate] BETWEEN '07/01/2015' AND '06/30/2016'

Result:  All assets with a Purchase Date on or after 07/01/2015 but on or before 06/30/2016


Formula:  [vglChartOfAccountParts].[FunctionNumber] NOT BETWEEN '2000' AND '2999'

Result:  All account numbers with a function below and above the 2000s


Formula:  [vfaAssets].[PurchaseDate] NOT BETWEEN '07/01/2015' AND '06/30/2016'

Result:  All assets with a Purchase Date before 07/01/2015 and after 06/30/2016