Note: The reports containing the period totals can only be printed from within the Accumulate Payroll Totals option so that the user can verify for which periods the reports were generated; if anything has been done since the last time the totals were generated (for example, a check was voided), the payroll totals must be accumulated again prior to printing the reports.
From the Payroll screen, select the Options menu and then Accumulate Payroll Totals.
To generate the totals for the various periods (month, quarter, calendar year, and fiscal year) based on the Check Date for the payroll batches (rather than the Processing Month), enter the desired date in the Check Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
Note: Leave this field blank if generating the totals based on the Processing Month for the payroll batches.
To generate the totals for the various periods based on the Processing Month for the payroll batches (rather than the Check Date), enter the desired month in the Processing Month field. Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
Note: Leave this field blank if generating the totals based on the Check Date for the payroll batches.
Click the Execute button.
Print the desired accumulated payroll reports from the Reports menu.